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Great Bowden Academy

Great Bowden Academy

Results & Progress

Department for Education Performance Tables

If you would like to see the performance tables for Great Bowden Academy, please visit the Department of Eduction (DfE) website by clicking hereAlso see attached.

What are National Curriculum Tests?

SATS (which stands for Standard Assessment Tests) is the common name used for National Curriculum Tests. Children are assessed at the end of Year 2 (Key Stage 1) and Year 6 (Key Stage 2) in reading, writing and maths. The Key Stage 1 results are all based on teacher assessment; the Key Stage 2 results are a combination of teacher assessment and externally-marked national tests. Year 6 children also have to take a Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation test (GaPS). Their writing level is decided by teacher assessment based on a combination of genres and a collection of writing pieces from the whole year.

Phonics: The children in Year 1 also have to take an external test for their phonics. They will be asked to read a list of words (some are real words, some are not) in order to assess how they apply their phonological knowledge.
Further information can be found at:


What Is A Scaled Score?

Each child is given a scaled score as a number. This is based on his/her raw score – the number of marks he/she receives in a test.

Children may achieve a score of:

  • Below 100, meaning they have not achieved the ‘expected standard’
  • 100, meaning that they have reached the ‘expected standard’
  • Above 100, meaning that they have exceeded the ‘expected standard’

For children in year 2 taking the Key Stage 1 (KS1) tests, scores range from 85 to 115. In year 6 (KS2) they range from 80 to 120. A child who reaches the expected standard (100 or above) is considered to be ready for the next stage of his or her education.

Why Use Scaled Scores?

Scaled scores help test results to be reported consistently from one year to the next. For example, if two children achieve the same scaled scores in different tests in different years, they will have the same level of attainment.

How Will Results be Reported In Year 2?

Most children in year 2 will have taken tests in maths and reading.

Teachers will convert children’s raw scores into scaled scores to see if they have met the national standard. They will combine this information with what they already know from teaching your child.

You will find out whether your child has met the standard of the test, but the scores won’t be published.

If you would like to see your child’s score, please contact the school.

How will results be reported in year 6?

Most children in year 6 will have taken tests in maths, reading, and grammar, punctuation and spelling.

Your child’s end-of-year report will include their scaled score and clear confirmation as to whether they have met the national standard.

Some schools also took ‘sample’ science tests. However, these results will not be reported.

Should I be worried if my child does not meet the expected standard?

There is no reason to worry. The tests are designed to help identify where children may need extra support as early as possible.

Your child will also receive teacher assessment results which help to give a broader picture of how well they are doing.

If you have any concerns, please speak to your child’s teacher.


Where To Go For More Information

Contact the school

If you have any questions about changes to KS1 and KS2 assessments and what they mean for your child, please do not hesitate to contact the school.

External sources

The following sources may also be useful for further information:

Scaled scores at KS1, GOV.UK – STA

Scaled scores at KS2, GOV.UK – STA